

Charm City

For Spring Break we decided to take a quick trip down to visit some family in Maryland! We stayed with my cousin Joyce who just overflows with generosity!  Not only did she offer up her guest room, but she also offered us her spare car! It was so convinient! We got into town on Tuesday and had an awesome time catching up with family that evening! Gunner was in absolute heaven with all the attention from cousins! 

Wednesday was a rainy day, but we decided to go into Baltimore to explore anyways! It is such a cool city! Its right on the water and has a beautiful harbor with tons of shopping and restaurants! We made our way to a local favorite called Blue Moon Cafe! It's a breakfast/brunch place which was exactly what we were looking for! Apparently they are most famous for their Cap'n Crunch French toast. Yes you read that right. It's breaded and deep fried in captain crunch cereal. How could I not get that? I had to! Zack ordered something called "Oh Sweet Baby Jesus" ! It was pretty delicious as well! It was a mound of hash browns, poached eggs, crab meat, tomatoes, hollandaise sauce, and probably more! It was just like a pile of yummy!! 

The atmosphere all together was very cool!  The outside, not surprisingly, was painted blue with a few moons! Classic oldies played on the radio and the brick walls were brightened up by bursts of the vibrantly hand painted tables and chairs! Local artists' work hung on the walls and the diners were a very eclectic collection of locals! 

After brunch we made our way over to the Walter's art museum! Normally I'm not overly anxious to go to an art museum, but it was a cold rainy day and we didn't want to wander around outside for too long! The Walter's Art Museum was awesome! It wasn't very crowded and we were able to let Gunner walk on his own and explore. It was so much fun to see him get excited about things! We wished we could have stayed a little longer, but we had a grumpy baby and our parking meter was running out! 

We had a blast exploring Baltimore and I wish we had a few more days! There was so much we didn't get to see! We can't wait to come back (hopefully in a couple months!!) 

P.S. I think this counts towards bucket list item #30

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