

Holiday Shopping

We crossed off a bunch of our Bucket list items over the holidays!

First let me say, if you haven't visit New York during Christmas Time YOU'RE MISSIG OUT! It's truly magical! Christmas trees, music, lights everywhere! Oh my gosh! You know Salvation Army bell ringers that stand outside wal-mart and look miserable while they accept your change? Well they must get paid really well here or something because they are smiling and full on dancing, busting a move on the street corners! It is highly entertaining! I've never seen anything like it!

I think my favorite part of being in the city for the holidays was all of the pop up markets! All over the city the parks were turned into like craft fairs... Only really amazing talented crafters... Like professional ones! There were artists, jewelry makers, t-shirt designers, leather artists, spices, hand-made everything! It was so interesting! We were able to get almost everyone a one of a kind gift and support a bunch of small businesses! Not to mention the atmosphere was just magical! 

We crossed off three bucket list items through these holiday market excursions: Downtown Public Library, Bryant Park and Union Square! Without the markets, both of these parks seem very normal and average. So I'm glad we got to experience them when they were full of holiday cheer!

Bryant Park is just a few blocks from Times Square and is bordered by the huge amazing New York Public Library. I just got called to work with the Young Women at church and our first activity was Christmas Carolling on the steps of the NYPL with all the youth in the stake (Bronx&Westchester County). How amazing is that?

After the carolling, Zack and Gunner and I stuck around to wander through Bryant Park. It was crowded to say the least, but just very festive and cheery. I love that shiz.

On another day we decided to finish up our Christmas shopping down at Union Square. This was a much bigger holiday market and probably my favorite of all that we went to! I loved all the red and white stripes and the greenery running throughout the place! It definitely made it more fun to be out in the bitter cold. Its almost like the christmas cheer warms your soul....... hahah. okay too far.

This was one of my favorite booths: Spices and Tease. You can also find them at the Chelsea Market!

Hopefully our family liked their presents because we sure had a blast shopping! Now that all these decorations and festive things are put away, this cold wintery stuff is starting to feel a little dreary... Is it spring yet?!?

How was everyone's Christmas? I'd love to hear from you! 

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