

The Nation's Capital

Our little family had a blast in DC a few weeks ago! We weren't able to spend as much time as we'd have liked, but we got to explore the national mall for a few hours. It was very humid, and a little rainy, but so much fun!! 

 // Gunner was getting antsy in his stroller, so we took turns holding him. \\

// It wasn't long before he wanted more freedom. So we let him run! \\

// And then HEAVEN FORBID we try to put him back in his stroller \\

//  So we let him climb most of the way up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial  \\

// He climbed up and turned around to pose all by himself. I think he's starting to learn that mama always needs a picture of every single thing he ever does. \\

// I always wonder what the world looks like through his eyes. \\

// The Lincoln Memorial was our favorite part! \\

// And the Washington a close second \\

// We cannot wait to come back and explore so much more!!! \\

Have you been to DC? What was your favorite part?

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