

A Few Pumpkins, a Hike, & Shake Shack

Last Saturday was the annual Pumpkin Fest in Central Park and we decided (more like I decided) we HAD to go! We got up early and hit the streets by like 11 am (that's almost a record for us!!). Gunner fell asleep on the bus and ended up taking like a 2 hour nap! Normally I'd be thrilled with a two hour nap, but this time I wanted him to be excited about PUMPKIN FEST! But apparently the roar of a massive crowd just lulled him right to sleep. 

We walked through the farmers market and craft area and watched a few minutes of Quidditch, still sleeping! We got in the line for the pumpkin patch that was probably a half mile long. Surely Gunner would wake before it was our turn. Nope. We picked out our pumpkins, posed for some pics. And he was still zonked. 

So maybe I had to take things into my own hands... I woke him up. I know. That's like the first deadly sin of motherhood... But it was his first pumpkin patch!!! He couldn't sleep through it! Once he was awake he was hardly interested in smiling for pictures (at first at least), but you can't keep a smile off this face for long!!! 

^^How cute is this photobomber?!?^^

The crowd was starting to get to us so we set off on some of the walking trails (which ended up feeling a lot like hiking trails!) We came across bow bridge, which is also in a ton of movies! The view of the water and trees plus the skyline... Priceless!! 

We kept walking and soon found ourselves deep into a forest on a barely paved path! Hahaha it was so bizarre! I couldn't believe I was still in NYC!  

Once we found our way to the west side of the park we were starving!! We decided to stop by a local fave for dinner, Shake Shack! I've heard people who love it and people who don't, so I wasn't sure what to expect. We loved it! I mean it wasn't like the most amazing food I've ever had, but it was a delicious burger and the fries were decent too! Although, the line was like wrapped around corner. I rarely find food that is worthy of such a wait! We didn't even end up having a shake because it was too cold out! 

We ate lunch in the courtyard of the Natural History Museum (which I'm still dying to go to) and let Gunner crawl around for a bit! The boy sure loves his independence! 

Just before heading home we posed on the stairs for some more family pics. I just can't get enough!


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