

NYC Bound... literally

Well we are officially NYC bound!! Literally. I think I'm on the Jersey Turnpike? (Why do I feel like I should be doing freaky dance moves?!?) 

We flew into Baltimore on Wednesday to visit family and now my cousins Pat and Sam are driving us up to the city today. Can I start calling it that yet?!? Anyways, we've had a blast visiting with My Aunt Bobbi, Uncle Bob and like 15 cousins! As a kid, I used to live out here. I was in Maryland for 4 years and Virginia for 4 years! It's a little weird how much the East Coast feels like home! 

I'm so glad we got to spend some time here before all the scary stuff happens! It's been a really awesome little adjustment period. I'm adjusting to not being "home", but without being out on our own yet! On Wednesday night my cousin Katie hosted a big dinner and almost all of my VA/MD cousins were able to come! It has been 9 years since I've seen my cousins Brittany and Felicia. How does that happen?!? I'm determined to not let that happen again!! 

As I'm sitting in the very back of the van next to a wall of luggage I'm feeling rather sentimental.

 We are embarking on a life changing adventure and I'm inexplicably calm.Well most of the time I am. I go through moments of intense anxiety, but it only lasts a few seconds, then it is quietly replaced with peace and confidence in the decisions we have made. I feel like we're exactly where we should be, doing exactly what we should be. That alone brings me so much peace! I'm so grateful God has a plan for my little family (because we sure as heck don't have one). We are basically living and breathing by faith these days! 

It's sort of surreal how blessed Zack and Gunner and I have been! We are surrounded by so many amazing people! I really hope our families and friends understand how much they mean to us! Without the love and support and insane generosity of so many, this move couldn't happen! It is because of their constant support and belief in us that we feel like we can do this! The relationships that we have are what make this move both possible and incredibly painful. 

We're about 20 minutes from city limits and I better start getting to know my new home! Stay tuned for pictures and another post once we get to our new apartment!! AAAAAHHHHH! Unreal. 


P.S. did I mention we got into student housing?!?!? Another story for another day! 

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